Be Mindful of Performers and Other Guests and Follow These Concert Etiquettes

Being a musician is a huge deal and requires lot of practice. It is very important to acknowledge and respect the efforts and time a musician has spent planning for an event. Those who are new to attending classical music concerts may be nervous that they have no idea of what is expected from them in terms of concert etiquette. Worry not!
If you are looking for jazz concerts near Manhattan, check out Birdland Jazz. They have jazz events lined up all through the year. The events are listed on their website. See if your favourite musician is performing and grab your tickets. Follow these concert etiquette guidelines during your visit to a Jazz club.
- Arrive early before the performance and take your seats
- If you arrive late, wait for the ongoing performance to end before moving to your seat.
No noise during the performance:
- If you are bringing children, see that they don’t run in the aisles as it could be distracting to the musicians and other guests
- Avoid talking during performances. Put your phone/ other audible electronic devices on silent mode. It isn’t good etiquette to keep whispering when an emotional piece is being played.
Taking pictures:
It is acceptable to click a picture or two. Remember to turn off the flash and put away your phone during the rest of the performance. The light emitted from your phone screen would disturb the guests seated close by.
What do I wear?
The performers are in formal attire. As an audience you can keep it semi formal or smart casual. It is absolutely okay to wear something dressy or a Tee and jeans. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
Can I applaud?
Things have changed over the years and its best to wait until the performance has ended to applaud. Applauding when a musician has paused is considered a minor faux pas though the musician will be happy that you are appreciating their work. Quiet endings are soulful. You could spoil the moment if you don’t hold your claps until the end. Cheering is acceptable only during the claps. Whistling and yelling is deemed inappropriate.
It is considered a good etiquette to stay seated during the entire concert rather than leave midway. Even if you are forced to leave, enter or exit only between selections. During the middles of jazz concerts, quiet conversation is acceptable. Applauding after every performer has completed performing is another appreciated practice.
Proper concert etiquette is a way of expressing your respect to the musician’s work and other guests. Good manners go a long way.